Our Beliefs

We are in the process of reviewing and rewriting our constitution and statement of faith. Those documents should be completed sometime this year or next. For now, here is a snapshot of our beliefs as a church:

We believe that the Bible is God’s inspired and inerrant Word. The Bible is sufficient, clear, authoritative, and necessary for our lives. If we’re to know God and worship him, we need the information that he has given us in the Bible.

We believe that all of creation is corrupted by sin. All people are born into sin and need to be rescued from the dangers of sin.

We believe that Jesus came to rescue us. He was crucified on our behalf, raised from the dead, and he ascended into heaven. We believe Jesus will return again to gather his people, to judge the living and the dead, and to restore all of creation.

We believe that salvation is a free gift of God. We cannot earn our own way to heaven or win God’s acceptance by being good people. If we would be saved, we must trust in Jesus.

Here is a link to our denomination’s statement of faith.